entete LEED


The DAL 358 swirl diffuser

can contribute to achieving the requirements of LEED certification


LEED is a third-party certification program and an internationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings.
It provides building owners and operators the tools they need to have an immediate and measurable impact on their buildings’ performance.



LEED promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance
in five key areas of human and environmental health:

ustainable site development

water efficiency

energy efficiency

materials selection

indoor environmental quality


Credits and Prerequisites are organized into these five categories.
An additional category, focusing on
innovation, addresses sustainable building expertise, exemplary performance, and design (or operational)
measures not covered under these five environmental categories.

Certification is based on the total point score achieved, following an independent review.
With four possible levels of certification (certified, silver, gold and platinum),
LEED is flexible enough to accommodate a wide range of green building strategies
that best fit the constraints and goals of particular projects.

The Canadian rating systems are an adaptation of the
US Green Building Council's (USGBC) LEED Green Building Rating System,
tailored specifically for Canadian climates, construction practices and regulations.
The rating systems are adapted to the Canadian market through an inclusive process that engages
stakeholders and experts representing the various sectors of the Canadian industry.


The  swirl diffuser DAL 358 can contribute to achieving the requirements of two (2) prerequisites and five (5) credits
thus to a potential of fourteen (14) possible points for
a proposed new construction or major renovation to a LEED Canada- NC version 1.0



 # Credit  Name of credit Potential points  Contribution of DAL358 diffuser
 EAp2 Minimum Energy Performance 0 (required) DAL358 Air diffusers  contribute to reach the
minimum energy efficiency for the building.
 EAc1 Optimise Energy performance

1 to 10 points possible according to energy performance of the building

DAL358 air diffusers help obtaining an energy performance higher standards for construction.
*Note : a unique product can not determine the achievement of LEED® credits; they depend on the design project and strategies used.

Minimum IAQ Performance)

0 (required)

Tested according to ASHRAE Standard 129,
the efficiency of air distribution (Ez) of the DAL358 is 1.1 compared to a conventionnal diffuser wich rates at 0.8 (Ez=0.8)


Ventilation Effectiveness


With Ez = 1.1, the DAL358 allows for an increase in the efficiency of the air flow. These performances also allow for a reduction of 27% of outdoor air rate.


Thermal confort :

ASHRAE 55-2004


DAL358 air diffusers help provide a ASHRAE 55-2004 comfortable environment terms of temperature of the building.


he mechanical and electric credit is excluded from the category of Materials and Resources,
who is only interested in Divisions 2  through 12 of the Construction Specifications.
Thus, the air diffusers never contribute to achieving the requirements of these credits.

IPDc1.1 Innovation and design process  

Exemplary performance for EAIc1 : Optimise energy performance.

IPDc1.2 Innovation and design process  

Exemplary performance for QEIc2 : Increasing the efficiency of ventilation.


NAD Klima is member of Canadian Green Building Council

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